a blessing for when justice is denied

O God, I despair that there is so much suffering,

that this sweet land of liberty is in the grip of brutal forces.

O God I cry aloud to you, come with all swiftness!

Come with the radiant power that once filled the skies and sang:

“peace on earth! goodwill to all people!”

 Remove the chains of oppression and the yoke of injustice, and let the oppressed go free.

Isaiah 58:6

God have mercy.

Christ have mercy.

Spirit have mercy.

O God blessed are we who cry out

how long, until your kingdom comes?

Your will be done on earth?

Blessed are we who shout ‘NO!’

to injustice and to oppression.

Blessed are we who hold fast

to beauty and goodness and truth and justice.

They are not lost.

The clash we hear

is the sound that evil makes

when it is finally exposed

to light that cannot be overcome.

the light shines in the darkness,

and the darkness has not overcome it.

John 1:5

God have mercy.

Christ have mercy.

Spirit have mercy.

Fold your hands. settle yourself inside the mercy. Feel it. Be it. Do it.

“Do justly and love mercy, and walk humbly with your God.”   Micah 6:8