a blessing for when you don’t feel #blessed

Blessed are we who we lose sleep over what troubles us.
Whose worries keep us watching the clock tick by.
Who have no energy to do anything but fret.
the kingdom of God is here and now.

Blessed are we drowning in grief.
when wave after wave after wave crashes over us.
Who start to feel okay, then something reminds us of what we’ve lost,
and we’re pulled under once again.
God promises to comfort us.

Blessed are we who are silenced,
who are afraid to speak up,
who are forgotten and left out, who feel small,
as though our work, our presence, our lives don’t matter.
the whole world is ours.

Blessed are we starving for justice.
when the world around us feels so unfair that we could scream,
but no one seems to be listening.
No one seems to care.
may justice flow like a river.

Blessed are we when someone hurts us
when we are offended and we don’t return insult with insult.
Instead, we forgive, recognizing the number of times
we’ve needed to be forgiven.

Blessed are we when we strip away all the extra.
When we see the world as it really is— broken, tender, fragile, beautiful.
these are the same eyes that see God in everything too.

Blessed are we who walk the hard road.
the winding one that doesn’t opt for the shortcut
of rage or resentment or unkind words.
That doesn’t pave over with trite niceties,
but walks toward peacemaking.

Blessed are we when facing hardships of all sorts.
blessed are we, working to usher in God’s kingdom of love,
even when it’s hard.

Blessed are we.
the imperfect and don’t-have-it-all-together.
God’s beloved.

From Good Enough, now available everywhere books are sold.