a blessing for when you feel weary

O God, I am so tired,

each breath is shallow

and too much work.

My strength has melted away

and hope is hidden behind a wall.

I am alone in this.

O God, I cry out to you from the ends of the earth,

show me again how this works–how you bring dry bones to life.

Help me.

God have mercy.

Christ have mercy.

Spirit have mercy.

‘come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, 

and I will give you rest. 

Matthew 11:28

Blessed are we, the weary and weak and sore, 

with only the merest ember left burning

but who still say: 

breathe on me, God,

breathe life into my tired body, my heavy limbs,

bring light to the dark corners of my mind, 

breathe comfort into my sad heart.

Enkindle my awareness 

of what I was meant to be

and do.

Blessed are we

who turn our gaze 

to seek the One who truly sees us, and knows us, 

 like newborns whose bleary sight 

focus to find adoring eyes beaming down, 

delighting and filling, mirroring and multipling.

Blessed are we who discover we are loved and held,

in arms that are strong enough

to hold what we cannot. 

God have mercy.

Christ have mercy.

Spirit have mercy.

Those who wait upon the Lord, will find new strength.

 Isaiah 40:31

Settle yourself for awhile, where some warmth and light and comfort can reach you. Wait and watch. What has been done in love is never lost.

 Love never fails. 

1 Corinthians 13:8