a blessing for when you just can’t find any peace

God, I am troubled in spirit and there doesn’t seem to be an end to it.
show me the way toward peace.

I look up at the vast size of the mountains—from where will my help come in times of trouble? Psalm 121

Thank You for the freedom that comes
when I begin to admit
at how powerless I feel, how small,
amid the mountains of trouble.

God, in this dark valley, let Your light reach me;
let Your Spirit comfort me.
help me understand how my body and mind and heart
can be at peace even here.

O Creator of heaven and earth and these mountains,
who created even me,
shelter me, live in me, breathe in me here,
alongside all that is too vast to comprehend

Blessed are we who say yes,
this small space is suddenly spacious,
and more than enough light and peace
coming as it does from You

Right here with me.

God, I’m going to go for gold here and ask for world peace. and peace in my life too.

Jesus said, “I have told you these things so that you will be whole and at peace.”
John 16:33