a blessing when covid forces us to be apart on thanksgiving

God, covid is forcing us to be apart
to stay safe and to protect each other,
but the hard choices are causing so much heartache.

God come to us, comfort us, and guide us,
so that love might be protected too.

God have mercy.
Christ have mercy.
Spirit have mercy.

My tears have been my food night and day. Psalm 42:3

God have mercy.
Christ have mercy.
Spirit have mercy.

How good and pleasant it is
when God’s people live together in unity.
Psalm 133

Blessed are we, the distraught
over forced separations among family and friends.
God we are lonely; they are lonely.
we are not done yet being together,
even with all the mess that entails.
You know how we humans are,
the irritations that scratch at old wounds
the buried conflicts, the unfinished business
and our deep longings that don’t go away.

Blessed are we who say God,
we are not ready to say goodbye this way.
let not this forced separation be the last one.
let not this plague rob us of time and opportunity
to love each other well, or at least a bit better.
You know us so well Lord,
You know exactly what we need.

Blessed are we who remember
You came down to be with us.
in Your mercy, come to us again,
here, now, in this covid time
where decisions are parting family members,
where there is old pain and fresh hurt.
o God of mystery and power,
gather us into Your grace and mercy,
comfort us by Your loving presence,
and free us to love each other creatively, unreservedly
with the lowliness of heart that You showed us
when You came down.

Blessed are we, awake,
though it yet dark,
ready and waiting.

God have mercy.
Christ have mercy.
Spirit have mercy.

Let your heart be soft. ask for the little way.
God will take care of the rest.

The God of power,
as He did ride in His majestic robes of glory,
resolved to light; and so one day He did descend,
undressing all the way. – george herbert